Author: Niamhs Daddy
/ Latest News / Numbers, numbers, numbers…
/ Thoughts... / ????
There are 200 sleeps until Christmas Day, let that sink in for a moment…
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (and it’s only May)
/ Christmas Music and Songs / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (and it’s only May)
Last night, during a typically outstanding show Bruce Springsteen responded to a request from Santa…
Counting down…
/ Latest News / Counting down…
British Summer Time
/ Latest News / British Summer Time
Naturally, with British Summer Time starting on Sunday, we woke this morning to a good covering of snow. Sadly it had gone by lunchtime.
Nine Months…
/ Thoughts... / Nine Months…
This Friday is Good Friday and is exactly nine months to Christmas. We will know how you celebrated Easter if you have a Christmas baby this year ??
It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas…
/ Latest News / It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas…
Visiting Granny for half term and having a Christmas dinner (as we didn’t visit at Christmas)… Currently the giblets are boiling and the Turkey is in the oven…
Hello world!
I also have this website which will be very Christmassy!!! All Year Round!!!