You know what that means…
Tomorrow is December!!! ??❄☃???
Whatever's Good At Christmas Is Better All The Time
You know what that means…
Tomorrow is December!!! ??❄☃???
Tomorrow is an annual low-point for many. The International Make Single People Feel Worthless Day aka Valentine’s Day. To everyone else out there who is single for whatever reason, there are only 314 days to Christmas ? ?
Today, 21st December, was the Winter Solstice. Sadly we are still at school and have two more days to go. Niamh finished today though, and is tonight having a sleepover with a friend from school – hope it is not like Amy FF’s first sleepover in The Big Bang Theory! ?
Loads of good TV but all on at once today. The Snowman and then The Snowman andThe Snowdog are virtually compulsory with Niamh, and then we’ll probably go for The Muppet Christmas Carol and Gogglesprogs. What to watch first is the problem, Harry Potter, Scrooged or even Prince Caspian are in the running.
At least later there are two TOTP to watch, BBC4 and then BBC2. Hopefully a variety gets played.
Finally made it to the end of term, finishing this time yesterday. Utter exhaustion is currently overwhelming the Christmas joy, but ham is baking in the oven (an adaptation of Jamie Oliver’s Jerk ham). Now demolishing mince pies having wrapped almost all the presents.